I was home for christmas in whittier, iowa. There was so much fog coming home from grandpa kluver's house my dad couldn't really see the road. Funny how in climate weather makes for great photos.
I really want to do more of this. I think i've found a new direction.
I'm thinking that I want to work more on personal work like this, and take my work in a new direction. As much as I love shooting people with studio lights, etc, the process of shooting "art" is fulfilling on different levels. The idea of working narratives came to me after reading The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. The stories are lush, every detail is described in depth and it made me really rethink how I shoot. Inspiring.
It just goes to show exactly how much inspiration that comes not from other people's photography, but rather other people's way of telling stories is important as a photographer. Its a way of being derivative with my work, or rather referencing something, but using my visual language to express what I'm absorbing and not being someone who just copies another's style. I guess also finding content worth talking about is half the battle, and then you have to figure out what you want to say and why you want to say it that way.