Tuesday, November 4, 2008

adobe photoshop cs4

I got a trial version of cs4 today. Not much new except how you work the adjustment layers. Well, maybe there are some other amazing things, just that seemed the thing that directly affected my workflow. The new icon system works pretty well, just one more thing to learn that'll be second nature in no time for sure. This is a little before-after showing the tonal I do using photoshop. I've been just using Digital Photo Professional lately and just letting the files be, but once I installed cs4, I ended up staying up till 5 am futsing around.

before cs4

I cloned out a distracting little tree top to the right, straightened the horizon, and brought the color back into the grass. It was much more yellow than the blue/grey morning light was showing in the original. I don't normally do that much local toning of a photograph, but sometimes we're limited by the cameras we use, even if they are top of the line. I shoot with a canon 1ds mark II and mostly a 35mm f1.4 Ef L lens. It's a great combination, but at times I find that maybe I don't quite get what I'm going for in camera. Thank goodness for Photoshop.

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