Here's a little photo essay that shows the trip from my perspective. I didn't bring my camera to the actual party, so the work is more about the traveling and the inbetween moments at my parent's and relative's house.
this is in reverse order...
taken from Rachel's car on the way back. I love shots taken out the window of a moving vehicle.

this is Jensen on a playground piece made to look like a tractor in lost nation, where children of the corn was filmed

this is my sister's mother in law showing what happened when she tried to get a stain out of a Packers tshirt she got at a second hand shop

this is my neice anna being held by her grandpa, my sister's inlaws

I can't talk about Iowa and not show a picture of farm equipment...that would just be wrong.

this is a shot of my cousin Gillian handing a napkin off. It looks mysterious with this light but was actually a happy funny moment...

these three top windows lead into my bedroom at my parent's house. It looks so old and creepy like this, but is actually a very warm and lovely place. My parent's didn't weed the garden that much this year

this is on the way out of Chicago by O'Hare airport

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